Paper Format
Download Sample Abstract Format (.docx) Download Sample Full Paper Format (.docx)The only valid way to submit abstracts is through the Nutuva Abstract Submission System. Abstracts submitted via email or postal service will not be accepted.
● General
○ All oral presentations uploaded to the system will be evaluated through a **double-blind peer review** process.
● Notes for Authors
○ All authors are responsible for adhering to scientific and ethical guidelines.
○ The conference languages are **Turkish** and **English**.
○ After being reviewed and accepted by the scientific committee, your abstract will be published in the conference abstract book.
○ If accepted by the scientific committee, you will be invited to submit the full text for publication. The accepted full papers will be published by **Necmettin Erbakan University Press (NEÜ Press)**.
○ Accepted papers will be indexed in the **Web of Science (WoS)** citation index.
○ Abstracts should include the following sections: **Background-Purpose**, **Materials and Methods**, **Results**, and **Conclusions**.
○ Abstracts must contain at least **500 words**.
○ At least **3** and at most **5 keywords** must be added to the abstracts.